Captivated - Emily Jane Trent


*3 Stars*


Hmmmmm, how to rate this book?  On the one hand, I loved the premise of CAPTIVATED.  I loved the way the story started, but for me it went down hill from there.  


I thought the story had so much potential, but I kept waiting for something, anything to happen.  So much of the plot happened inside Ella and Adam’s heads.  They were doing a lot of thinking but not much “doing” and that frustrated me to no end.


Then, when some stuff started actually happening by then end of the story, I was to over it to even care.  That’s not really true, but you get the point.


I’m truly upset by this because I wanted to like CAPTIVATED more.  I give the premise 4.5 stars and then I give the execution 1.5 stars.  So I gave it overall a 3 star rating.


Now the next question is do I go on with the series?  We finally got the plot moving by then end of this book, so I am thinking that I will give book two a try to see where it goes. I’m not willing to give up on Adam and Ella just yet.