Planned Seduction (The Seduction Series) - Jess Dee

Planned Seduction (The Seduction Series) - Jess Dee 


*3.5 STARS*


Friends-to-lovers is one of my all time favorite tropes so, when I read the description for PLANNED SEDUCTION, I was super excited to read it. And while I didn't love everything about the story, I really thought it was an enjoyable read.

Amy and Daniel have been friends for the last seventeen years. Daniel has also been secretly in love with Amy for about the same time. He's never felt that it was the right time to let his feelings be known, but after a life changing photography assignment, he knows that he's got to make his move. The problem is getting his best friend who thinks all men leave her to take him seriously is going to be difficult.

So, Daniel comes up with a plan that will seduce his best friend into becoming his lover and hopefully much more. But will Amy be willing to take a chance on him and them becoming more than just friends?

As I stated before, I'm a sucker for friends-to-lovers stories. And this one really fit the bill because Amy and Daniel have so much history together. How they made it through their hormone riddled teen years without so much as a make out session, I have no idea, but I loved the ease of their friendship. I also loved the way that Daniel knew he had to ease Amy into the idea of a more physical relationship with him. It showed how much he knew his best friend and her issues.

And when those two got together...WOW! We are talking off the charts hot. Jess Dee is one of those authors that I know is going to bring the heat. And nothing was left unscorched in this one. It seemed like a seamless transition to me. Their friendship made their physical relationship that much better.

But, that's where the story fell short for me. Amy, who is a therapist, really just went off the rails. She was so afraid of being hurt like she has been by men in her past, that she made so really ridiculous choices. We've seen that before, right, but it was the fact that she is a therapist that really didn't sit well with me. Didn't she have some therapy to work on her own issues? Here in the states, it's basically a requirement to do that. Maybe things are different in Australia, but the girl needed some serious couch time. She was so stunted that she made those too stupid to live type of decisions and it made the story less enjoyable right there.

Luckily, she came to her senses and I got the HEA that was rooting for all along, but I wanted to about strangle her there for a second.

Overall though, PLANNED SEDUCTION was a very hot read that was enjoyable to read. I have read books by this author before, and I know that I'm in for a steamy one when I see her name and this one certainly didn't disappoint there.


*Advanced Reader's Copy provided by NetGalley and Publisher in exchange for an honest review*