Sin With Me (Bad Habit) - J.T. Geissinger

Sin With Me (Bad Habit) - J.T. Geissinger 


This one was hard to read at times.  This author's books aren't just light and fluffy, there's real meat there and this book was no  exception. I pretty much knew at the end of book two what Brody and Grace's connection was going to be but I didn't get the full picture until much deeper into this book.  I knew it had to be a hard pill to swallow for Grace...and for Brody for that matter, but I'm glad they were able to work it out in the end.


I'm sad because it seems like the author was also wrapping up a lot of the story line with the other characters and the couples from the first two books, so I'm scared that this may be the last in the series.  But, I'd like to see what the true deal is with Ethan and Chris and the fact that they do "everything" together.


I'm really hoping that this isn't the last book in the series, because I've truly come to love Bad Habit.  I found the series while searching for something new on my KU subscription, but I've quickly come to really care about the characters.


I started listening to this one audiobook but once things got revealed I felt like the audio was too slow so I ended up reading the rest.  Gotta love whispersync!